Alternative Methods of Head Pressure Control – Bob Schindler

For years, the only practical method of head pressure control has been the flooded condenser method.

 Writing for the new KeepRite Refrigeration publication — KeepRite By Design — South Central Regional Sales Manager Bob Schindler says that « advances in condenser fan technology have uncovered alternatives that result in huge energy and refrigerant savings. »

Schindler reveals these new methods in his recent article and explains why the less efficient technologies still maintain a strong foothold.

« Why has the industry relied on flooded head pressure controls for so many years? The simple answer is, because it worked. The reliability of this system has made it a staple of refrigeration systems for decades. »

 So what method does Schindler suggest as a practical and tested alternative for head pressure control?

« Changes in technology have resulted in a perfect solution of elevated yet adjustable & efficient head pressure control. Electrically Commutated (EC) motors have resulted in infinitely variable condenser fan motors that can adjust to the ever changing ambient of any environment. »

In spite of the dominance of the outdated yet entrenched standard, Schindler believes that the EC motor and flooded head pressure have much to offer to an industry challenged by environmental responsibilities, increased operating costs and ongoing demand for higher efficiencies.

« The EC motor’s greatest energy benefit comes from reduced energy consumption at partial speed. Even at full speed, an EC motor can be as much as 40% more efficient than a conventional permanent split capacitor (PSC) motor. »

Schindler considers the case for alternative head pressure control methods so strong that it begs the obvious question.

« Flooded head pressure controls and EC motors are both effective in maintaining head pressure while EC motors offer reduced energy consumption and refrigerant charges. With this, one must ask, why is anyone still using condenser flooding valves? »

Click here to download the entire Schindler article and learn more about alternative methods of head pressure control.

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