Disaster Safety Alert

At times of natural disaster there are a number of things that one must deal with before a sense of normalcy can return. The Health and Safety of everyone involved in the cleanup process must be of the utmost priority. Proper corrective action must be taken to mitigate any potential hazardous conditions. Failing this critical step can result in property damage, serious personal injury or even death as a result of malfunctioning equipment.

NOTE: Any work performed on KeepRite Refrigeration equipment MUST BE completed by a qualified refrigeration mechanic and a licenced electrician. All work must conform to local and national codes.

Depending on the type of disaster, it may be possible to rework or repair your existing refrigeration equipment in order to put it back into service. At no time should power be restored until a thorough inspection of the equipment and the surrounding area has been completed and all necessary repairs are fulfilled. Once due diligence is performed by a qualified refrigeration mechanic and a licenced electrician, power can be restored to the equipment to begin the re-commissioning process.

Equipment that has been immersed in water as the result of a flood MUST BE replaced with new equipment. While it may be tempting to rework or repair existing equipment, the extreme cost involved in order to restore the equipment back to its pristine state would make it cost prohibitive.  Depending on the age of the existing equipment, new replacement units may offer design improvements as well as energy savings offering long term benefit for the future.

Damage caused by a natural disaster is not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. Claims for repair or replace equipment should be directed through the owner’s insurance provider.

KeepRite Refrigeration customers, contractors and end users should contact our customer service or technical service teams, your local KeepRite Refrigeration representative or your local KeepRite Refrigeration Authorized Wholesaler branch to access our full support and resources needed to ensure a smooth transition through this difficult time.

Tim Charlick
Marketing / Customer Service Manager

Service client
Assistance en direct disponible du lundi au vendredi, de 8h00 à 19h00 EST
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