The Latest Online Tool for Commercial Refrigeration Selection, Installation and Upgrading

Whether you’re designing and specifying a complete industrial refrigeration system or replacing/upgrading either side of an existing system, you’re likely looking for all the accessories you’ll need to connect to a matched refrigeration evaporator(s) to complete your system.  Do you need a time clock?  Contactors?  How many fuses and what sizes? Wouldn’t it be great if there was an online tool that selected these refrigeration parts and accessories for you and conveniently added them to your order?

Everything you need to get up and running your commercial refrigeration – pre-selected for your convenience

To simplify the process for you, we offer a number of preselected Refrigeration Defrost Kits and Thermal Fuse Packages that combine everything you need, based on your chosen Condensing Units and Evaporators.

Defrost kits include (as required) time clock, heater contactor(s), fan contactors(s) and thermal fuse block(s). Fuse packages include the thermal fuse(s) required. These kits can be conveniently added to your condensing unit order.

Our new tool makes selection/ordering easy for your commercial refrigeration setup

That’s where our latest online tool comes in! To assist in getting your refrigeration system up and running quickly, we have developed a handy online Defrost Kit and Fuse Package Selection Tool.

The defrost kit and fuse package selector tool is a web-based application that will accurately select the correct defrost kit and fuse package for use with your selected evaporator(s).

The defrost kit and fuse package selector tool can be found at the following link:

Defrost Kit and Fuse Package Selector


Super easy selection process:

If you know the model number(s) of your evaporator(s), using the tool couldn’t be easier. Just enter following information:

  • Evaporator(s) model # and quantity *
  • Evaporator Power Supply Wiring (Single point through condensing unit or remote independent power supply)

Once you enter that information, the tool responds with:

  • Defrost Kit Part Number
  • Optional Fuse Kit Part Number
  • Condensing Unit Defrost Kit Suffix Code

This information can be printed or saved as a PDF.  Supply these details with your order and you’re all set.

Tool can help guide your selection:

Don’t know the model number(s) of your evaporator?  No problem, the tool can help.  To use our tool to make a selection, all you need to know is the specifications of the evaporators installed or ordered for your commercial refrigeration system. Just enter the following information

  • Is the evaporator(s) AWEF Compliant?
  • What kind of evaporator? (Low Velocity, Medium Profile, etc.)
  • Application Range
  • Voltage
  • Motor Type

And we’ll figure out your model number(s)

Enter the evaporator power supply wiring (Single point through condensing unit or remote independent power supply)

Streamlined ordering process:

Once you enter the required information, the tool responds with:

  • Defrost Kit Part Number
  • Optional Fuse Kit Part Number
  • Condensing Unit Defrost Kit Suffix Code

This information can be printed or saved as a PDF.  Supply these details with your order and you’re all set.

*Pre-defined defrost kit and fuse package selections are not available when three (3) or more evaporators are to be used with a single compressor. Please contact your regional salesman or condensing unit product specialist group for assistance with selecting defrost parts for this arrangement: [email protected] or [email protected]

Better customer experience:

At KeepRite Refrigeration, we focus on making our customers’ selection and ordering experience as simple and straightforward as possible.

Developing online tools is part of improving our customer experience. In our 75+ years in the commercial refrigeration business, we’ve learned a lot about the sorts of tools and online solutions that can assist a refrigeration professional to quickly choose the units/systems and place their order quickly. The Defrost Kit and Fuse Package Selector utilizes all the knowledge and experience of our product specialists and product design experts in a convenient online tool.

Traditional selection tools also available:

Defrost Kit and Fuse Package Selection Guides are also available for each of the evaporator lines, and product data and installation guides for each of the evaporator lines now include the relevant selection material.  Visit or KeepRite_Refrigeration_Defrost_Kit_Fuse_Package_Application_Bulletin.pdf ( for details.

Other tools available to help:

Pre-selected Factory-Mounted Condensing Unit Option Packages:  Pre-Selected Factory Mounted Option Packages | KeepRite Refrigeration (  A variety of time-saving, value-priced Pre-Selected Factory Mounted Option Packages offered on our small and medium Condensing Units.

Energy Calculator: Energy Calculator | KeepRite Refrigeration (   KeepRite Refrigeration’s desktop or mobile Energy Calculator lets you input your equipment selections giving you meaningful energy consumption data and operating cost estimates based on your location.

Load Calculator: Load Calculator | KeepRite Refrigeration ( Created to help refrigeration professionals make accurate calculations, KeepRite Refrigeration’s Load Calculator allows users to generate a load estimate for a refrigerated walk-in or warehouse and to select sufficient refrigeration equipment to handle the load.



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